Reception | 0141 531 6464 |
House Calls | 0141 531 6464, before 10am, Option 1 |
Prescriptions | 0141 531 6464, Option 3 |
Results and Enquiries | 0141 531 6464 |
Out of Hours/NHS 111 | 111 |
Treatment Room
Opens 08:30am to 4:30pm. Monday to Friday (Closed for lunch between 1pm-1.30pm). | 0141 531 6337 |
Community Staff
District Nurses | 0141 531 6303 0141 531 6313 (answering machine when on call) |
Health Visitors | 0141 531 6351 |
Midwife | 0141 232 9455 0141 232 9456 |
Local Hospitals
Gartnavel | 0141 211 3000 |
Glasgow Royal Infirmary | 0141 211 4000 |
Western Infirmary | 0141 211 2000 |
Stobhill Hospital | 0141 201 3000 |
Southern General Hospital | 0141 201 1100 |
Royal Hospital for Sick Children (Yorkhill) | 0141 301 7000 |
Golden Jubilee National Hospital | 0141 951 5000 |
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre | 0141 301 7000 |
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service | 0300 123 1236 |